I had a hard time finding a concise solution to solve this problem, so here is what I used and had the best success with:
- Add your site to the Trusted Sites Internet Zone.
- Go to Internet Options - Security - Highlight the Trusted Sites Check Mark - click on custom level - scroll to the bottom and in the user authentication section select "Automatic logon with current username and password."
- This can be done via group policy by going to: User Configuration - Policies - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Internet Explorer - Internet Control Panel - Security Page - Trusted Sites Zone. From here find "Logon Options" and enable it. Pick the "Automatic logon with current username and password option."
- The changes are in reference to this KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943280
- You need to adjust the AuthForwardServerList to include your URL. You can use a * if you want. Make sure you use the full URL like https://*.domain.com
- This can also be done via group policy by following this post: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010setup/thread/b26d9599-9a70-4f44-b19d-08b3a42669f2/
- One thing to note from that link that the author does not tell you, you have to modify this GPO registry item so that it is set to CREATE since it is a NEW reg key: